flowing smoothly with whoopee,
The river of my life
diverged all of a sudden in a cave,
Formation of whirlpool
seemed to be more than scary,
As if it had released
fire blaze.
Today I row my boat in
this well-acquainted river,
But sometimes,
somewhere it curses me to overlook its past,
That fun & ecstasy
I can’t have back ever,
As the unbearable
busyness has pervaded my intact life very fast.
I reminisce more than
enough to step back for a while into my past,
But all efforts go in
vain leaving me behind with an indelible pain,
The memories of
enjoying with zest & gusto that can never last,
Shower an impression on
my heart like spring’s heavy rain.
The time is passing
hastily like a train,
Asking me to shape my
life as per the demands,
Pals advise me to not
to gaze into the colorful crystals of my past again,
And compel to not to
lie still beneath the sense of respect & gladness.
Getting indulged in the
present is although a virtue,
Forgetting rainbow-like
past is a punishable vice,
I learned there how to
spread out success’ delightful dew,
How to confer respect
but not expecting for its price.
The waves of time have
changed the path of the river,
And left me surrounded
with enigma,
How to sweep back for a
while there!
How to feel those
moments again with the fragrance of aurora!
Never deal with the
past & the present,
As the life is a
Try to exist there with
The success would
surely be leading you to the cloud nine with synth.